Introducing the Maker Style Bra Making Month!

Let's make some nice undies for ourselves, ok?

Hey friends!

Ever since I launched the podcast and started taking submissions for guests, you guys have been telling me loud and clear you wanted to hear some bra makers on the show. 

There's been approximately a zillion messages asking for more info on bra making. 


This makes sense because bra-making is all the rage right now in the sewing community. Who doesn't want a custom-fit bra or the perfect pair of undies made of super soft knit scraps? 

So in celebration of valentines day coming up just around the corner, I've prepared five incredible interviews with my favourite ladies in the bra-making community to share inspiration, tips, and tricks with you. That means for the next five weeks straight there will be a new Maker Style episode all about lingerie making for you to enjoy!

But, just because we're focusing on bra-making this month doesn't mean all these episodes are going to be the same. We're covering LOTS this month ranging from finding lingerie inspiration, answers to your FAQ's on bra-making, heart-to-hearts about what it's like operating a sewing small business that specializes in bra making supplies, words of wisdom from a bra-making instructor, and tips for building a well-rounded lingerie wardrobe. 

We've covered everything. 

In addition to all the episodes this month, I'll also be sharing a few makes and posts of my own to help inspire you to sew something great this month. 

You deserve great undies, so sew some with us during the Maker Style Bra Making Month!

What's our First Topic?

Today on the Maker Style Podcast Sarah From Ohhh Lulu has come on the show to talk bra-making inspiration. It's a great episode to get your creative juices flowing and help you start thinking about some ideas for what fabrics and design features you can include in your handmade lingerie wardrobe. 

Are you going to be sewing up some bras with me this month? If so, I would love to see them! Use the hashtag #MakerStylePodcast on Instagram to share, or tag me 

Ps: If bra-making isn't your thing, don't sweat it! I've got a few fun bonus episodes of the podcast being released this month to break things up.